Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer Around Here

I am loving summer!  The friends over past midnight last night, fireworks, hamburgers, watermelon, barbecue ribs, snow-cones, my kids finally sleeping in past 7:00, no homework, swimming, pony tails, no make-up, flip flops, cuddles with my kids while we watch movies, trip to see family, reading in bed til we're tired (we don't have to go to bed on time), chalk on the side walk, puzzles, baby pools that we just never out grow, peach shakes, crocheting, cousins, apricots, bubbles, the look on my kids faces when they finish their job chart for the day, peaches, tan legs, plenty of time for the kids to cook with me, bike rides, popsicles, and barefoot walks.

I am really loving my kids home.  Of course there are some moments I have to divide everyone up into separate bedrooms for a good quiet time (me too).  Oh, and I despise those silly fire ants, but I don't have much to complain about!  My kids make me laugh, make me feel loved and needed; I often just sit back and think how lucky I am to be a mother!  I'm so blessed to be able to stay home with these kiddos every single day (even though it gets long...every job does).

I cannot even explain the feeling I get when my little 3 year old says "I love you Mommy," and if I don't respond with exactly "I love you too," I hear it :)  It's such a wonderful mixture of sweet, independent all around precious thing to hear.
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