Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Minus Sarah This Week

Since the moment my husband and I finally embraced the fact that our oldest daughter, Sarah, would not just "grow out" of her health issues and that she has "Prader-Willi Syndrome" she is "mentally disabled" or has "special needs" we have tried to create a balance in our home.  We realize we can't raise her on our own and that it takes extra care and attention to our marriage and our other children.  

I'll just say right now that it's a battle.  It's an hour to hour, day to day battle to keep our faith center.  To keep our perspective eternal.  To nurture and strengthen our children with the right mind and the right spirit.  It's not easy to consider all the feelings of each individual in our home.
One major answer to our prayers is "Lions Camp"

Sarah came home from a week at this camp last summer with renewed self esteem, more independence, a absolute thrill for life and could not wait to go back again.  We could see how good it was for us to have one on one time with our other two children.  It brought us all closer and taught us a lot about ourselves when Sarah is not with us.

I feel so guilty even saying we enjoyed her not being here.  How could a mother say or even think that?  I tell you that I cling to the fact that I have to focus on my needs, my husbands needs and the needs of my other children though.  Just as I have to give my all to Sarah, I have to give to the rest of us or there will be no family to work for at all.

Well, we just dropped her off again this week.  We decided that one of the ways to keep our family balanced like mentioned above was to try a vacation this time around.  Not just sit at home like normal while she was gone.

That is exactly what we did, my friends.  We got a hotel room and went to Sea World for 2 days.  We ate all we wanted, whenever we wanted. We talked and visited and played and relaxed!  We all found the vacation we needed!  It is so neat to see that Spencer has things to say constantly and that Allison can be even-tempered and not fight for attention every moment of the day.  Honestly a whole new side of our family is seen and felt when Sarah is away.

My mind slips to my daughter often.  I start to feel guilt creep in and then I picture her marching through camp and pushing us out of her bunk house so she could begin her week.  I know she is right where she wants to be.  I just love this girl with all my heart and soul.  I'm privileged to be her mother!  I can't imagine life without her so it is hard to sort of subtract her for a week.

Remember that you are preparing for Eternity.  
Your child's disability is temporary.  
The spirit is not disabled.

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