Friday, October 18, 2013

My Marathon Runner!

I'm so proud of my marathon runner--Justin!!!

He's been wanting to wake up in the early morning hours and stand right there in Central, Utah with thousands of other runners (especially Ben) since twelve years ago when we were first married.  He was forced to stop his training with knee injuries and as a dedicated husband/father, he plowed through life putting that dream on the back burner.

Life has settled a bit.  His knee is fixed.  His dream came true!  He finally did it!

 "That's the thing about running:  your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success.  They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is."  --Kara Goucher

 Right there...Steven, Ben, Paul, Marium, Justin, McCoy and Danny!  The five brothers, mom and nephew crossed that finish line together!

 Our life is so wonderful!  Justin talks and talks about how fun those four hours were with his family.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and blessings.  I am so blessed to have such a strong, dedicated husband!  When he puts his mind to something he goes for it head on!!!
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