the doctors place the sweetest little baby boy in my arms. He was screaming and I just smiled. I loved that sound!!! I know what it was like to have a baby not cry...not have the strength. I prayed for this!!!
Spencer's spirit entering our family has taught me so much! He lives close to the Lord and is very sensitive to the Holy Ghost and it's promptings/comfort. I often sit back and wonder how much I teach him but absolutely know he continually teaches me.
Happy 10th Birthday, Spencer Justin Kroff! I know you're Dad is super proud that you not only carry his name but carry it well on top of looking just like him!
Thank you for being an example to your sisters. Thank you for bringing a thirst for knowledge into our home. Thank you for desiring to make good choices. Thank you for being creative with a new idea or twenty every single day!
I love your piano skills, how you soak up any science book you can get your hands, you enjoy figuring out math problems that are way beyond your years, rules and keeping them bring you great joy, friends are super important to you, you're grandparents and cousins are part of you and you want to know where you came from--taking pride in your ancestry!
My very favorite times with you are kneeling by your bed at night and finding out all the wonderful and unique things on your mind. I soak it up and love having you as my son!